Sunday, April 26, 2009


Kevin and I got called to be sunbeam (3-year olds) teachers at church. I swear I'm never going to do anything in life except teach 3 year olds. Just kidding, I really love that age group a TON! I teach the three year old class at work and I was teaching the three year olds in my old ward. I guess it's just meant to be :) Anyways, it was our first week teaching today, and the kids are so cute! There was only two kids (one boy, one girl) there, but they were adorable! Kevin hasn't been around the kids at church since he was one so it will be really different for him, but after today, I can tell he is really going to love it.
This past Friday, Kevin and I had the chance to go to the new Draper Temple and I loved it! I havn't been feeling well and so I wasn't sure about going, but I'm so glad I did! It is such a beautiful place. I'm so thankful for temples and the sacred opportunity we have to go to the Lord's house and learn of him and feel his love and such incredible peace. I had a really great experience and I'm so excited to go back. I might get to go this week with my parents and Logan's friend (my adopted brother pretty much) Wei.
Kevin is finishing up the spring semester this week and he has a ton of work to finish up so he's a little stressed. Thankfully he only has one final to take! It will be nice for two weeks while he doesn't have classes and we can just spend some time together :) I really can't complain though, he is such an incredibly hard worker and does SO well in his classes. He is brilliant! He is the type that I know wont ever slack off and will always work hard to provide for his family, so I feel really lucky for that.
I'm also really looking forward to our Washington DC trip we have coming up in a couple of weeks. It's going to be nice to get away for a little bit. It will especially be nice to hopefully have some warm weather since it can't seem to make it's mind up here in Utah, going from the high 70's to snowing within a matter of days...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I love my Riles!!

So this past Monday, my mom, Chantelle, and Riley came up to go shopping with me since i have been stuck inside recuperating from my surgery. It was really fun and i loved hanging out with everyone. I just have to say that i have the cutest niece EVER. Riley is so funny. We would be walking along through the store and she would pick up a pair of shoes or something and say, "oh cuuuute!" Haha! She was having fun shopping with the "big girls." I love her little attitude and everything about her! She is just adorable! Outside of the store was a couple of water fountains and Riley was amazed at them. We tried to get her to go play with them and at first she was a little apprehensive. Finally i just picked her up and walked her over to the fountain. She LOVED it! She had so much fun splashing and getting me soaked... I'm so lucky to have such an awesome family and a CUTE niece!

A little unsure, she didn't want to get wet...
You could tell she wanted to touch the water.

About to touch it...

She finally plays with the water!

Once she was playing with it, every time i tried to put her down she'd ask me, "more time?" So I'd give her one more turn and then she would ask the same thing, "more time?" ha ha

She loved making big streams with the water
She paused to say, "cheeeeeeeeese" to grandma

My mom emailed these to me. I guess Riley had just barely woken up and had a bad case of bed head! ha ha

Nice hair Riles!

Kisses from Mommy

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cute FREE Fonts!

There is a way cute website my mom told me about where you can download hundreds of cute regular fonts and scrapbooking fonts. Best of all, it's totally free! I loved the fonts so much, I have to admit, I downloaded all of them! haha. Anyways, if you are into that sort of thing, go check it out!

Thanks to my mom for finding and sharing this site with me :)


I got my tonsils removed yesterday and it went really well. Kevin and I got to the surgical center and I changed into the beautiful hospital gown that everyone loves and then waited while they got everything ready. I was dreading the part where they have to stick the IV needle in me because that sort of thing makes me faint. So the nurse tried on one hand and she got it in, but then apparently they weren't quite ready for the IV, so she pulled it out and I started bleed a TON all over. It went all over my hand and the floor. I was already feeling light headed and that definitely didn't help... So then she came back and said she was going to try it on the other hand now. So she tried and tried and tried and tried.... for about 5 minutes she was digging around with the needle in my hand and I could hardly handle it. It hurt, but more than that it just grossed me out!! It was my worst nightmare coming true ha ha. Everything started to float away and I couldn't hear anything so I knew I was seconds from passing out. I said, "I'm really light headed..." and so she hurried and reclined the chair to I had my legs above my head. That brought me back pretty fast but then we still had to keep trying to get the needle in. Kevin said I was greener than my hospital gown! The nurse was great and sooo nice and calm. It wasn't her fault, my veins were just not cooperating at all! She still couldn't get it in and so at that point she asked the anesthesiologist if he could try. He tried up by my elbow and got it in fairly quickly. That was such a relief to have that over with! The anesthesiologist was sooo awesome. He was joking with Kevin and I and when they wheeled me away to the surgery room, Kevin called out, "I love you" to me and I said it back at the same time the anesthesiologist said, "I love you too!" to Kevin, ha ha! Then the nurse and anesthesiologist were asking me about where I worked and that was the last thing I remember. Next thing I knew, I was waking up with a nurse asking me what pain level I was at. I couldn't talk because I had a mouth full of really thick spit, but I held up four fingers. She brought Kevin back and gave me an otter pop to water down the spit. Kevin's mom, Jeannine, came a couple minutes later. After I finished the otter pop, I felt nauseous and the nurse handed me a bag to throw up into. For me, throwing up is one of the worst feelings, but this actually felt so good. It was such a relief and after that, Kevin said I looked a ton better. I was kinda drifting in and out and at one point Kevin was stroking my face and hair. I turned to him and said, "your hands are so soft" and he was like, "I moisturize" the joke was lost on me, but Jeannine and the nurse thought it was funny :) So when I was awake enough, I changed back into my clothes and then we went home. I loved all the people down at the surgical center, they were all so nice and really made me feel so calm. On the way home, we had to stop at Wal Mart to fill my prescription for liquid Loritab, which I heard is DISGUSTING. We had them flavor it like watermelon though, and so far its been fine :) I slept most of the day yesterday and it was so nice. The pain isn't too bad because I'm on a strict pain med schedule every four hours and using ice packs. My mom and dad came up and visited me last night and it was so nice to sit and visit with them. I love hanging out with them. So far, things have been going very smoothly and I'm not feeling too bad. Kevin has been absolutely amazing. He is constantly asking me if he can get something for me and asking how I'm doing. He is such a sweetheart! I'm so lucky to have him! He took Monday off to spend with me too, so that will be nice. Hopefully the rest of my recovery goes as well as it has so far. I'm just glad to finally have those dang disgusting tonsils OUT! Before... ewww!


(It's brown and black because they have to cauterize the wounds)