Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Skill

Ryder has been getting very good this past week at using his fingers to grab something and pick it up.   This afternoon I was letting him practice picking up some cereal and he was popping them in his mouth so fast!!  When he had eaten all the cereal I gave him, he screamed for more!  He just couldn't get enough of this new "game".  Kevin ran and got the camera and we filmed him a little bit.  We love every little thing he does ;)  Kevin turned and said to me, "well, looks like we got be a lot more careful with what he can grab now"  Oh boy...

concentrating on grabbing it

almost there...

yay, success!

                                                          watching the video of himself

apparently, he finds himself very entertaining!

1 comment:

mattyanddeidre said...

How fun. It's so exciting when babies learn new things. And Ryder is such a cutie pants!