Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fifth Anniversary

Five years ago today, I was getting married to my best friend. It was a beautiful, hot, Augut day. The sealing ceremony done by my Grandpa Nelson was so special. We've had so many good times, hard times, and times of growth during these past five years, but I couldn't imagine anyone I'd rather experience it all with! Kevin has given me one sweet son and another baby on the way. I love my little family and am so grateful for the incredible man I get to share eternity with!

Ryder's New Big Boy Bed

Since we have another little one on the way, we decided to move Ryder out of his crib and into a big boy bed. I was expecting it to be very difficult and that he wouldn't stay in this bed after we got him down at night. We went and picked one out at Kid to Kid for about 30 dollars (can't beat that!) It's a Mater bed (from the movie Cars). Ryder was VERY excited! That night at bedtime he completely surprised us and did awesome! It's been about 5 days so far and he hasn't tried to get out of the bed once at night or for his naps! There has been a few times when he's pointed at his crib (we haven't taken it out of his room yet) and said, "sleep in that bed), but we just tell him he gets to sleep in his big boy bed now. We do our normal bedtime routine, and then lay him down and he goes right to sleep! I'm so relieved! Now it will be much easier to use the crib when the new baby comes.

Baby #2 Is On It's Way!

     If you haven't heard our good news yet, I'm more than happy to share that Kevin and I are expecting baby #2! This little one is due February 28, 2013 (although I'm going to just assume it won't be until March.) I am 11 weeks along today. That means the baby is now about 2 inches long from head to rump and by the end of the week will be about 2.5 inches.
     This pregnancy has been different than Ryder's in that I have felt a lot sicker, a lot earlier. Hopefully as I get into the second trimester I will start to feel better. I have also already started to show, which has been tricky since we weren't telling people until just yesterday. I have been wearing looser clothes to hide my teeny bump.
     I had my first appointment with my new doctor yesterday and it could not have gone better! I love our doctor! She is so enthusiastic and bubbly but really sincere. One thing I really wanted to talk about was the issues we had with Ryder having been so small and what we can do with this pregnancy to keep a better watch on that. It was like she could read my mind! The first thing she said after coming in and congratulating us was, "OK, we need you to have a bigger baby!" I was so relieved she was on the same page as us. She made sure to reassure us several times that this time around we would be keeping a very close watch on the growth of this baby, especially in the third trimester. I feel very good about this doctor :)
     Another really fun part of the appointment was that we got to have an ultrasound and see the baby. With Ryder we only got to have one ultrasound at the midway point, so I wasn't expecting one this early. It was incredible to watch our little one already so active and squirming around. It was so cute because the baby had it's legs stretched straight out just relaxing! The baby is actually measuring 2 days bigger than 11 weeks, so that's good, let's hope it stays that way!
     Ryder knows about the baby but I know he doesn't really understand what it all means. It should be very interesting when this little one is born and Ryder isn't the only one anymore. Ryder will be about 2 months away from turning 3. To be honest, it's terrifying to think about having two, when some days I feel like I can barely handle one! It will be an adjustment for all of us, but we are so beyond happy to become a family of four :)
 Our sweet baby

 This one was showing the heartbeat

 Another shot zoomed out a little

Since it can sometimes be hard to tell what you're looking at, I outlined and labeled this one to show what everything is. I love the legs sticking up! I'm sure I won't think it's so cute once the baby is bigger!

Monday, August 6, 2012

"I Am A Moth" By Ryan Darton

I wanted to write about some music I have been LOVING lately. I have a friend, Ryan Darton, who just came out with his first CD last month. It's called "I Am A Moth" and it's amazing! He moved to LA a few years ago to pursue his dream of sharing his music with the world and that dream is beginning to come true. He has an incredible, smooth voice and you can really hear his passion and how much he loves what he does. The music is beautiful and covers everything from catchy, fun, and upbeat to soulful, reflective and relaxing. There's something for everyone and it's guaranteed to please!
Here is a little sample of what Ryan is all about. 
You can check him out at:
Plus, Ryan and his wife just had a beautiful little daughter and look how amazingly cute they are!
Nicole Priest Photography