Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Little Memories

It seems like everyday Ryder will do or say thing funny or sweet and I always think, "I need to write that down!" I keep a journal, but I'm probably just as good as writing in this blog as my journal, so I decided to share a few of them here. Some of them are just cute little memories I don't want to forget.

-Ryder was playing next to me in bed one morning as I laid there with my eyes closed, resting. It get's really quiet, and then I hear, "Father, blessings, Jesus, cars, Jesus Christ Amen!" He was just praying to himself!

-One evening, it was raining like CRAZY here and we pulled up to the house from going out to eat and we noticed the Briggs' dog, Larry, had been out in the rain the whole time and was soaking wet. I said, "Aww, poor Larry! He's been out in the rain all alone and he's all wet now!" Ryder got a really concerned look on his face and then burst into tears saying, "Get Larry inside!!" He has such a tender heart.

-While watching Baby Einstein (one about space/planets), the DVD player froze, and Ryder impatiently yelled, "Oh come on planets!!"

-On the same Baby Einstein DVD about planets, it goes through all the planets and says their names. Ryder always repeats the words. When it said Venus, Ryder said "penis!"

-Ryder always tells me, "Mommy so pretty and cute" So one time he said it, I said, "Thanks bud! You are so cute and awesome!" He turned to me and very seriously said, "Ryder not cute. Just awesome."

-This past weekend, Ryder was laying in bed with me and Kevin before we were ready to get up. He sneezed and we said "bless you" Then I heard him tasting something in his mouth. I said, "are you eating something Ryder?" He replied, "eating a bless you" Funny and gross!

-Ryder came up to my belly today and patted it while saying, "Hi baby! Baby sleeping? Here's a blanket (he ran and got a pair of his pajama bottoms and laid them on my belly). Love you baby!" Then he read the baby a couple books and shared his sippy. He's going to be a great brother!

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