Monday, March 19, 2012


 Today Ryder was walking with me down a hallway and as we came close to a corner, he tripped. He slammed his on the corner of the wall, and my first thought was that he had split his head open and we were going to have to rush to get stitches. I hurried and picked him up and he was crying really hard.  As soon as I was able to see his head better, I could tell he hadn't actually cut it open. It was just a really deep dent, for lack of a better word. After a couple of minutes, a little bit of blood kind of seeped out, but nothing too bad. Poor little guy! I took him to his room and rocked with him in the rocking chair. He cried for a couple minutes but then he was fine. I hate feeling helpless as a parent. The wasn't anything I could do to immediately make him feel better. I did give him some Tylenol to help with the pain and the headache that I'm sure was going to come.  Since it didn't actually cut the skin very much, I don't think he'll have a scar. He sure did get a major goose egg later in the evening though!
By the time I took these pictures, he was actually pretty happy again!


C*K*J said...

Ouch!! Poor thing... that is such an awful feeling as a mom. :(

The Belliston's said...

He sure is a cute little guy! I'm so glad it wasn't worse than that! Tough thing :)